Our different user roles

The AI4OS stack is focused on three different types of users. Depending on what you want to achieve you should belong into one or more of the following categories:


The basic user

This user wants to use modules that are already pre-trained and test them with their data. Therefore, they don’t need to have any particular machine learning knowledge. For example, they can take an already trained module for plant classification that has been containerized, and use it to classify their own plant images.

What AI4OS can offer to you:

  • a Dashboard full of ready-to-use modules to perform inference with your data,

  • a GUI to easily interact with the services,

  • an API to integrate the AI modules with your own services,

  • solutions to run the inference in the Cloud or in your local resources,

  • the ability to create pipelines by composing different modules.

The intermediate user

The intermediate user wants to retrain an available module to perform the same task but fine-tuning it to their own data. They still might not need high level knowledge on modelling of machine learning problems, but typically do need basic programming skills to prepare their own data into the appropriate format. Nevertheless, they can re-use the knowledge being captured in a trained network and adjust the network to their problem at hand by re-training the network on their own dataset. An example could be a user who takes the generic image classifier model and retrains it to perform plant classification.

What AI4OS can offer to you:

Related HowTo’s

The advanced user

The advanced users are the ones that will develop their own machine learning models and therefore need to be competent in machine learning. This would be the case for example if we provided an image classification model but the users wanted to perform object localization, which is a fundamentally different task. Therefore they will design their own neural network architecture, potentially re-using parts of the code from other models.

What AI4OS can offer to you:

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