
All modules are found at the AI4OS Dashboard, the source code is hosted under Github’s deephdc organization and the corresponding Docker images are hosted under DockerHub’s deephdc organization.


The module structure will change soon. We will move to a single repo structure hosted in the Github’s ai4os-hub organization. Keep tuned for the updates! 📢

Modules developed by deephdc members follow the following convention:

  • deephdc/<project-name>: source code of the module

  • deephdc/DEEP-OC-<project-name>: Dockerfiles and metadata of that module.

Modules developed by external users follow the following convention:

  • deephdc/UC-<github-user>-<project-name>: source code of the module

  • deephdc/UC-<github-user>-DEEP-OC-<project-name>: Dockerfiles and metadata of that module.

Docker images have usually tags depending on whether they are using Github’s master or test and whether they use cpu or gpu. Tags are usually:

  • latest or cpu: master + cpu

  • gpu: master + gpu

  • cpu-test: test + cpu

  • gpu-test: test + gpu

CI /CD pipeline

In the project we use Jenkins for implementing CI/CD (Continuous Integration / Continuous Development) pipeline. This pipeline automatically performs a series of actions for you each time you commit a change in your code. This ensures that all the information and builds across the project are always up-to-date with your code.

This is an example of actions tha are performed by the pipeline:


The steps are defined in the Jenkinsfile of your repos.