Experiment Tracking and Model versioning in MLflow

We currently have two instances of MLflow running:

When following this tutorial, adapt the MLflow links depending on which Project or Virtual Organization you belong to.

In case you already have a MLflow account, you can proceed to step 2.

1. Register for an account in MLflow

Go to the Sign Up page for self registration in MLflow:


Then, in the next window:

  • insert your password.

  • read and accept the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Finally you will be shown your user settings:

  • In case you want to change the password you can enter a new password in the text box Password and then click the Update button.

  • You can check your user info (your username is your email!)

  • You have also the option of deleting your account as well as logging out.

Once you are ready, proceed to the new step by clicking in Go to mlflow.

2. Login the MLflow UI

In the MLflow login page you will be asked to input your credentials:

  • Username: the email associated with your authentication account

  • Password: the password you choose in step 1.

Once you login, you will see the default MLflow UI as follows:


3. Log your Experiments

Now you are ready to start logging in your experiments and saving the (best) trained model with a version in Model Registry.

For this you have to do the following steps in your deployment.

  1. First install mlflow client from the IDE that you are using to build your AI model, by executing:

    $ pip install mlflow[extras]
  2. Edit your code to insert MLflow constants (env vars) and statements so that your experiments will be logged to the tracking server we deployed.

    import mlflow
    # MLflow User Credentials
    MLFLOW_TRACKING_USERNAME = input('Enter your username: ')
    MLFLOW_TRACKING_PASSWORD =  getpass.getpass()  # inject password by typing manually
    # for MLFLow-way we have to set the following environment variables
    # Remote MLflow server
    #Set the MLflow server and backend and artifact stores
    # Name of the experiment (e.g. name of the code repository)
    # Name of the model to train. HAS TO BE UNIQUE, Please, DEFINE ONE!
    #MLflow specific statements to log your experiment
    #Insert the following statements in your code where you are training your model,e.g.
    def train_model():
       # your existing code here
       history = model.fit(X_train, y_train, epochs=100, batch_size=64,
                   validation_data=(X_val, y_val), callbacks=[early_stopping])
       with mlflow.start_run(): # mlflow starting command
          # Log metrics to MLflow for each epoch
           batch_size = 10  # Log metrics every 10 epochs (adjust as needed)
           for epoch, (loss, val_loss) in enumerate(zip(history.history["loss"],
             if epoch % batch_size == 0:
               mlflow.log_metric("train_loss", loss, step=epoch)
               mlflow.log_metric("val_loss", val_loss, step=epoch)
          # Log params
            "hidden_units": 100,
            "activation": "relu",
            "epochs": 100,
            "batch_size": 64,
            "validation_split": 0.2
          # Log model using: mlflow.<flavor>.log_model()
          # Log the TensorFlow using mlflow.tensorflow.log_model
          mlflow.tensorflow.log_model(model, artifact_path='artifacts')
          # Log additional artifacts
          # Log the CSV file as an artifact in MLflow
          mlflow.log_artifact(data_csv, artifact_path='artifacts/dataset')

We provide some examples of mlflow implementations to serve as reference, as well a specific integration of mlflow once you have created your api in the Marketplace.

For more information, see the Getting Started guide in the official MLflow docs.

Finally, to save the models in the registry, you have to add the following code in your deployment:

result = mlflow.register_model(
   f"runs:/{run_id}/artifacts/", MLFLOW_MODEL_NAME

4. MLflow AutoLogging and CustomLogging

There exists two Logging options as illustrated in the following Figures.

../../_images/autolog-quickview.png ../../_images/custom-log-quickview.png

Important commands to know

  • Log Experiment-Run

# Log Param (Log a parameter under the current run):
mlflow.log_param("batch_size", 64)
# Log Params (Log multiple parameter under the current run):
mlflow.log_params({"hidden_units": 100,
                  "activation": "relu",
                  "validation_split": 0.2})
# Log Metric  (Log a metric under the current run):
mlflow.log_metric("mse", 90.00)
# Log Metric  (Log multiple metrics under the current run):
mlflow.log_metrics({"mse": 90.00,
                  "rmse": 75.00})
  • Log Artifact(s)

# Log Figure (Log a figure as an artifact)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax  = plt.subplots()
ax.plot ([1,2],[4,5])
mlflow.log_figure(fig, "fig_plot.png")
# Log a dataset (CSV format) as an artifact in MLflow
mlflow.log_artifact(data_csv, artifact_path="artifacts")